Venom rocked theatres in 2018 with a dark comedy featuring a disturbed Tom Hardy as he battled with an alien being that was attempting to wrestle control away from him. The film was unique and enjoyable in many ways with the odd dynamic explored and a fresh take on an...
You have likely heard all the rumours swirling around about Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire returning for Spider-Man: No Way Home, maybe you’ve even seen the videos and heard the recordings… But what if we could prove to you that Andrew Garfield is in fact in the...
Venom: Let There Be Carnage is not coming to Theatres in the UK until the 15th of October, but the internet and the whole world are ablaze with excitement following the films release in the US and many other countries worldwide.If you do not want any spoilers, please...
With the mad dash to get the latest gen consoles around the world and constant supply shortages, many people have been concerned with getting their hands on a PS5 at a reasonable price, but on September 9th, PlayStation gave gamers everywhere a few more reasons to be...
Yes, this is a throw back to a classic 😉 Whether the last time you played a video game of any sort was a few minutes or a few years, you have likely played some games from your favourite franchise.If we are specifically discussing superhero games though, these have...