Samuel L. Jackson is a legendary actor known for his charismatic on-screen presence and memorable performances. With an extensive filmography spanning decades, Jackson has portrayed a wide range of compelling characters, solidifying his status as one of...
Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, is renowned for his irreverent humor, unorthodox methods, and ability to break the fourth wall. As one of Marvel Comics’ most beloved and unpredictable antiheroes, Deadpool has clashed with a diverse array of adversaries...
Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine in the X-Men film series has left an indelible mark on both fans and the superhero genre as a whole. His impeccable physique and intense performance as the adamantium-clawed mutant have captivated audiences worldwide. But...
As one of Batman’s longest-running enemies, the Riddler has been interpreted in several ways over the years. But generally, one thing remains true, he is a criminal with an obsessive compulsion for creating and solving puzzles and riddles. He first appeared in 1948 in...
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero or Super Zero? With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero hitting western cinema on August 19th, we have our spoiler-free review going over our thoughts on the film, the new 3D animation style, and if anything is waiting after the credits....
Back in the ye olde time of 2013, GTA5 whirred its way onto the main scene, and it’s made a gargantuan impact on players in the nine years since its release. Whilst the rumour mill has been churning out gossip and buzz ever since it seems Rockstar fans finally have...